TBI Launches Lean Six Sigma Course for Entrepreneurs

May 1st marks a monumental day for The Breakthru Institute (TBI). It is the day that we launch our Lean Six Sigma Certification Course just for our colleagues in the world of Entrepreneurship and Businesses with an Entrepreneurial Foundation.
TBI's Managing Director, Gail Birks expressed her excitement in this new member of the Lean Six Sigma Academy and felt that it now "truly brings an inclusiveness into this universe for all business categories.
Topics covered in the two day certificate session include...
-The Voice of the Customer and the Business
-Understanding Your Maturity and Capability Levels
-Heightening awareness of Time and Resource Waste
-Supply and Demand Forecast Modeling
-Bulding a Balanced and Sustainable Scorecard
-Building and Marketing Your Brand
*Participants will leave this session with innovative strategies for improving your business regardless of the size or industry
*Exposure to the universe of process and performance improvement
*Practical business management tools
*Building and/or expanding your vocabulary to converse "fluently" with your customers
*Certificate of completion as a Lean Entrepreneur
For more information contact Gail Birks at 954-476-3525 or visit the Breakthru Institute website at www.breakthruinstitute.biz.