Breakthru Academies
"For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to abandon our values about them."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Academy for Process Improvement (Lean Six Sigma )
Our Lean 6 Sigma series is designed for the business person who needs to understand how to "fix" the problem and sustain the improvement. TBI courses are designed to be in compliance with the Published Body of Knowledge content. The series can be facilitator led, webinar platform or self-study. Offerings include...
All sessions include course materials, certification exam (green and black belt only) and
certification fee. Project Coaching is a separate engagement.
Academy for Leadership and Managerial Excellence

Your leadership are the DRIVERS of the mission in your organization. So it is important to give these folks the right tools to be successful. We have two Academies, one for the "newbies" and the second one for the "veterans" who need a refresher. We also offer an academy for Non-profit boards who want the mainstream tools for governance. Academy offerings include...
*Managers' Academy - first time and front and mid-level leadership (5-7
*Leadership Academy - Senior and Executive Level. This academy is
also recommended for independent business
owners. (3-5 days)
*Non-profit Academy - Boards and Administrators
Academy for Diversity and Inclusion
This Breakthru Academy is essential to the culture of the workplace in which we exist. We have created a forum for you to have a dialogue on our beliefs, cultures and business practices. While we understand that these are topics that are not necessarily easy to have, we also know that it will not go away. Our academies include...
*Diversity Awareness and Sensitivity
*"Changing Faces... Familiar Places", a dialogue about Race and
Cultural relations
*Supplier Diversity

Academy for Entrepreneurial Excellence
Build it right and the people will come... again and again and again. Our Academies for Entrepreneurship Excellence give you the much needed tools to be successful. In this universe, we also share the "unwritten rules of the game." Our Entrepreneurs receive a customized toolbox that contains worksheets and templates designed to assist in the following...
Human Resource Management, Inventory Planning , Tracking the Cost of doing Business, Understanding how to Listen to the Voice of the Customer and the Business, Manaing the Bid Preparation for Financial Success and Sustainability, Building your Marketing/Branding Campaign, Creating your product/services to grow with the market, Understanding the types of contracts and agreements to use, Time and Resource Management, Building a Balanced Scorecard, Determining your Organization's Maturity and Capability Levels and eliminating waste in your Business.
Academy for Strategic Implementation Planning
This Breakthru Academy is important to all sectors of business and practitioners. We introduce you to a holistic approach to planning. In our sessions, participants go on a holistic journey that is designed to give organization leadership, boards and even practitioners, methods and tools to sharpen their planning focus, become more inclusive in your visioning sessions and integrate sustainable processes and attitudes as it relates to moving forward in this ever competitive environment.
*Leadership and Boards - (1 day; tools only)
*Strategic Planning Session - (minimum 2 days)
*Practitioners' Train the Trainer - (2.5 days)
Practitioners' Academy of Excellence
Whether you're an internal trainer/consultant or an independent practitioner, we want you to have the RIGHT TOOLS in your TOOLBOX.
Facilitator Toolboxes are available at TBI upon request. (click on "Check Us OUT"). We will even conduct TRAIN THE TRAINER (TTT) sessions so that you can feel confident and cofortable in your delivery.
We have "Off the Shelf" Toolkits available for you to add to your library through our distributorship with Wiley Publishing (formerly Inscape Publishing)
Customized curriculums can also be designed and facilitated as TTT engagements for our clients.
Lean Project Managment
The 2 day excursion will introduce all of the key elements of Project Management in accordance to the body of knowledge. There is an emphasis on the core methods and analytical tools that are important to sustainable and successful project management (PM) with a “taste” of Lean Six Sigma.
Participants will understand the concepts and methodology of Project Management, Strategic Thinking, and how it links with managing organizational goals. Participants will also be able to apply:
•Methods for translating the Voice of the Customer into the Voice of the Business
•Methods for mobilizing an initiative from a to z
•Building the execution and monitoring plan
•Methods for Improving and Controlling the Project Management Process and promoting out-of-box thinking and continuous improvement from your team
Executive and Professional Development (Coaching) with DiSC Assessment Tools
Because we want you to be an integral part in the planning of your sustainable success, the DiSC(c) Personal Assessment Tools by Wiley Publishing are an important component of your personal toolkit for professional growth. Topics include... Leadership, Train the Trainer, Management and Supervisory Roles (Giving and Receiving), Sales and Marketing, 363 Degrees Coaching, Customer Services, Stress Managment, Diversity and Inclusion, Effective Listening, Team Dimensions, Time Management, and Managing Expectations.
For more information visit http://www.breakthruinstitute.biz/#!coaching-and-personal-assessments/c1bzt